Current Book


Graffiti Kids
John and Bill, two homeless brothers, living in a small village in the Swiss Alps, have their designer graffiti on almost every wall in town. One day, they got the scare of their lives as they were tracked and chased by the local police who put them in the detention center. This is when the story gets more interesting as for John and Bill, this was the beginning of unforgettable adventure that changed their lives forever. From escaping the detention center to meeting an informant to getting captured again and embarking on a search for their missing family, Graffiti kids has many heart pounding scenes that would keep you reading till the end.

Published Book


Crazy Sea
A young Child who thought he was drowning in a Crazy Sea, tried to save himself using what ever smartness his brain could produce…

to find out at the end that it was just a game! A story written by a nine year old talented Child: Ryan Daher

Upcoming Book

How Many Lives Before Game Over...


How many lives before game over?
Frank, a teenager obsessed with video games is discovering the latest game he received as a Christmas gift. The object of the game is to successfully navigate the puzzles that were set up in order to save his life and enter the castle. To enter, Frank must play games of memory, challenge, skills and creativity. Going through the games, Frank walks into heart pounding experiences you do not want to miss reading. sign up to receive a note close to release date

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